Saturday, March 13, 2010

1411: Spread the Word

There are only 1411 tigers left in India. Make it known to everybody around you. The tiger population has been decreasing over the past few years, but in 2008 the WWF conducted a detailed census and came up with the shockingly disturbing number.

Tigers are threatened by a combination of poaching, habitat loss from development, the loss of corridors between areas and retaliatory killing of tigers for preying on cattle or attacking humans. The existence of international markets for illegal tiger parts in spite of the fact that the countries where majority of illegal trade in wildlife takes place are signatories to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is indeed a matter of grave concern.

Tigers are not only beautiful animals, but also India's national animal and a symbol of their pride. Their extinction would be an unimaginable loss to their culture and society as well as to the rest of the world. Another concern is the impact the extinction would have on the ecosystem. For example, when the Dodo's became extinct in Mauritius, the Acacia tree stopped regenerating completely. The tigers are a vital part of the ecosystem and play a major role as the top predators in the forest who keep the food chain in check.

Ways You Can Help:
  • Spread the word
  • Be a responsible tourist-dont pollute: "Dont leave anything behind except footsteps, and dont take anything except memories"
  • Write -politely- to the policy makers like the Prime Minister, the Minister for Environment and Forests or even your local MP.
  • Inform the nearest police station or TRAFFIC if you know any information on poaching or trade of illegal wildlife.
  • Reduce the pressure on natural resources by cutting down on paper and timber consumption
  • Support the cause and/or donate to the cause!
  • Volunteer! Help out on the scene:

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